葛良胜. 熊耳山地区内生金矿床成矿系列[J]. 地质与资源, 1994, 3(2): 114-122. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.1994.02.006
    引用本文: 葛良胜. 熊耳山地区内生金矿床成矿系列[J]. 地质与资源, 1994, 3(2): 114-122. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.1994.02.006
    Ge Liangsheng. ENDOGENIC GOLD DEPOSIT SERIES OF XIONG' ER SHAN AREA[J]. Geology and Resources, 1994, 3(2): 114-122. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.1994.02.006
    Citation: Ge Liangsheng. ENDOGENIC GOLD DEPOSIT SERIES OF XIONG' ER SHAN AREA[J]. Geology and Resources, 1994, 3(2): 114-122. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.1994.02.006



    • 摘要: 按容矿空间和控矿因素,可将熊耳山地区内生金矿床划分为角砾岩型、构造破碎带蚀变岩型、石英脉型及由不同控矿因素复合控制的复合类型等。空间上不同类型之间具有密切的共生过渡关系。太华群原岩中的金在变质热液作用下被活化迁移至有利的构造部位,发生局部富集,形成"矿胚"或"矿胚"的发展,并为后期岩浆热液再次搬运,参与成矿。燕山中晚期钙碱性岩浆岩具较大的成矿能力,是本区金矿床的主要矿源。不同类型矿床稳定同位素及包裹体特征具相似的变化特点,分析表明,成矿流体主要源自岩浆,在成矿早期和晚期,不同地区可能有不同程度的变质水或大气水加入。作者认为,区内不同类型的金矿床是在统一的大地构造环境和成矿背景中形成的,有统一的矿质和介质来源,具相同或相似的成因,以发育角砾岩型金矿床为特点,以构造破碎带蚀变岩和角砾岩型为主要矿床类型,形成一个特定的矿床组合,即熊耳山地区内生金矿床系列。


      Abstract: Gold deposits in Xiong'er shan region,according to the factors-controlling and containers, can be divided into several styles as follow:berrias type, quartz vein type, tectonically fractured zone metasomatite type and some complex-controlled types by different containers, spatialy, these deposits are coexisting and gradual changing. In the process of metamorphism,the gold in the rock of Taihua Group which contained high content of gold were removel and remigrated into the favorable tectonically parts and located in it,forming initial mineralization. It can be remobiled and metallized by later magma fluid. It's the assimilating-melting type of cala-alkaline granitic magmation of mid-late Yanshan period,which have been proved to be poly-epoch and same original, that provided the mainly gold for deposit. It is concluded from reserch of stable isotope (s,h,o,c) REE and fluid inclusions that ore-forming hydrothermal mainly come from magma,mixing by different content metamorphic water (earlier) and meteric water (later) in different deposit. It's inferred that there deposits were formed in a uniform tectonically enviroment and ore-forming background,with similar ore-forming material (gold and fluid)origin and gensis. Characterized by breccia type gold deposit.dominated by tectonically fractured zone metasomatite type and breccia type, these deposits composed a special association, named endogenic gold deposit series of Xiong'er shan area.


