辛福成, 辛良, 李忠大. 伽玛能谱测量比值参数的地质学意义及其在寻找隐伏金矿床上的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 2007, 16(4): 306-310. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2007.04.013
    引用本文: 辛福成, 辛良, 李忠大. 伽玛能谱测量比值参数的地质学意义及其在寻找隐伏金矿床上的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 2007, 16(4): 306-310. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2007.04.013
    XIN Fu-cheng, XIN Liang, LI Zhong-da. GAMMA ENERGY SPECTRUM RATIO PARAMETERS:Geologic implication and application in searching of hidden gold deposit[J]. Geology and Resources, 2007, 16(4): 306-310. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2007.04.013
    Citation: XIN Fu-cheng, XIN Liang, LI Zhong-da. GAMMA ENERGY SPECTRUM RATIO PARAMETERS:Geologic implication and application in searching of hidden gold deposit[J]. Geology and Resources, 2007, 16(4): 306-310. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2007.04.013


    GAMMA ENERGY SPECTRUM RATIO PARAMETERS:Geologic implication and application in searching of hidden gold deposit

    • 摘要: 用伽玛能谱测量找金,主要是通过研究铀、钍和钾3种元素在土壤和岩石中的分配、分布与金矿成矿地质条件及金矿近矿围岩蚀变的关系,总结出作为间接找金的伽玛能谱标志,用来进行同类地质条件地区的找金预测.通过对伽玛能谱测量的物理学和地质学阐述,解释了能谱比值参数的地质意义、总结了在团山子地区预测隐伏金矿体的复合参数特征,并通过矿点外围的钻探得到了很好的验证.


      Abstract: The method of gamma energy spectrum survey is to predict gold deposits by the indirect features of gamma energy spectrum, which is summed up from the research on the distribution of U, Th and K in soil and rock and its relation to gold metallogenesis and wallrock alteration. With study on the composite parameter features for the hidden gold deposit forecasting in Tuanshanzi area, the paper discusses the geologic implication of spectrum ratio parameters. The prediction has been well proved by drills outside the ore occurrence.


