陈江, 陈霄燕, 戴慧敏, 刘国栋, 刘凯, 房娜娜, 毛朝霞. 沸石矿物在东北地区黑土地盐碱化土壤改良中的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 2020, 29(6): 621-626. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2020.06.019
    引用本文: 陈江, 陈霄燕, 戴慧敏, 刘国栋, 刘凯, 房娜娜, 毛朝霞. 沸石矿物在东北地区黑土地盐碱化土壤改良中的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 2020, 29(6): 621-626. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2020.06.019
    CHEN Jiang, CHEN Xiao-yan, DAI Hui-min, LIU Guo-dong, LIU Kai, FANG Na-na, MAO Zhao-xia. APPLICATION OF ZEOLITE IN IMPROVEMENT OF SALINE-ALKALI SOIL IN NORTHEAST CHINA[J]. Geology and Resources, 2020, 29(6): 621-626. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2020.06.019
    Citation: CHEN Jiang, CHEN Xiao-yan, DAI Hui-min, LIU Guo-dong, LIU Kai, FANG Na-na, MAO Zhao-xia. APPLICATION OF ZEOLITE IN IMPROVEMENT OF SALINE-ALKALI SOIL IN NORTHEAST CHINA[J]. Geology and Resources, 2020, 29(6): 621-626. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2020.06.019



    • 摘要: 东北黑土地特别是松嫩平原的土地盐碱化趋势正在加剧,对黑土地粮食安全提出了很大的挑战,因此,改良盐碱地土壤成为重要的工作.半干旱气候、地质条件、低洼地形及地下水位等都是引起东北黑土地盐碱化的因素,松嫩平原苏打盐碱地尤为突出,其土壤盐分中主要阳离子为Na+,阴离子为CO32-和HCO3-,具有高碱化特点.沸石作为离子交换剂和吸附剂,能吸附盐碱土中的钠离子和硫酸根离子等,降低土壤pH值和碱化度,同时可增加土壤对铵根离子、磷酸根离子和钾离子的保持能力,提高养分有效性,对于土壤改良效果显著.但由于沸石改性、用量及时效等各方面的不确定性,因此在今后研究中更应注重因地制宜地利用沸石矿物开展盐碱地土壤改良、加强沸石矿物改性与再生的研究,使其在盐碱地脱盐降碱等方面发挥更大的作用.


      Abstract: The salinization of black land in Northeast China, especially Songnen Plain, is accelerating, greatly challenging the food security in black land. Therefore, the improvement of saline-alkali soil becomes important. The main influencing factors include semi-arid climate, geological conditions, low-lying terrain and groundwater level. The soda saline-alkali lands are well developed in Songnen Plain, with Na+ as the major positive ion, CO32- and HCO3- negative ions in soil salt, characterized by high alkalization. As both the exchanger and adsorbent of ions, zeolite can absorb Na+ and SO42- in saline-alkali soil, reducing soil pH and alkalinity. Moreover, it can increase the capacity of soil to retain NH4+, PO43- and K+, and improve nutrient availability, which is significantly effective in soil improvement. However, due to the uncertainty of zeolite modification, dosage and aging, the future study should pay more attention to the soil improvement in saline-alkali land by zeolite according to local conditions and strengthen the research on zeolite modification and regeneration, so that zeolite can play a greater role in desalination and alkali reduction.


