刘虎俊, 刘淑娟, Salman Zare, 万翔, 刘开琳, 李菁菁, 王方琳. 伊朗卢特沙漠及其资源利用[J]. 地质与资源, 2023, 32(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.02.005
    引用本文: 刘虎俊, 刘淑娟, Salman Zare, 万翔, 刘开琳, 李菁菁, 王方琳. 伊朗卢特沙漠及其资源利用[J]. 地质与资源, 2023, 32(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.02.005
    LIU Hu-jun, LIU Shu-juan, Salman Zare, WAN Xiang, LIU Kai-lin, LI Jing-jing, WANG Fang-lin. LUT DESERT IN IRAN AND ITS RESOURCE UTILIZATION[J]. Geology and Resources, 2023, 32(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.02.005
    Citation: LIU Hu-jun, LIU Shu-juan, Salman Zare, WAN Xiang, LIU Kai-lin, LI Jing-jing, WANG Fang-lin. LUT DESERT IN IRAN AND ITS RESOURCE UTILIZATION[J]. Geology and Resources, 2023, 32(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.02.005



    • 摘要: 伊朗与我国有悠久的交流历史, 研究其荒漠及其资源利用, 可以为我国荒漠资源保护和利用提供参考. 应用实地考察和报道资料分析卢特沙漠及其资源利用. 卢特沙漠位于伊朗东南部, 延伸区域面积约占伊朗土地的10%, 是世界上最干燥和最热的地方之一, 分布雅丹、石漠和沙丘等多种沙漠景观, 还有灌丛沙堆、大规模侵蚀沟、交错的水文网、构造洞、盐磐. 当地居民利用卢特沙漠的壮丽地貌景观发展旅游业, 在沙漠边缘开凿坎儿井, 建立截流洪水溢流坝群, 因势利导应用利用资源, 保障了生存和发展.


      Abstract: The communication between China and Iran has a long history. The study of desert and its resource utilization in Iran can provide references for the protection and utilization of desert resources in China. The paper analyzes Lut Desert (Dasht-e-Lout) and its resource utilization through field investigation and reported data. Lut Desert, located in the southeast of Iran, stretching for about 10% of its territory, is one of the driest and hottest places in the world, with broad distribution of desert landscapes such as yardang, hamada and sand dune, as well as nabkha, large-scale erosive gullies, interconnected hydrological network, structural caves, and salt polygons. The local residents have exploited the spectacular landscape of Lut Desert to develop tourism, by digging karezs at the edge of desert and building flood intercepting and overflow dams to utilize the resources and ensure their survival and development.


