茹曼, 郑燕, 张斌, 常勤慧. 基于SVM-RF模型的地质灾害易发性评价——以河南省博爱县青天河景区为例[J]. 地质与资源, 2023, 32(5): 633-641. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.05.014
    引用本文: 茹曼, 郑燕, 张斌, 常勤慧. 基于SVM-RF模型的地质灾害易发性评价——以河南省博爱县青天河景区为例[J]. 地质与资源, 2023, 32(5): 633-641. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.05.014
    RU Man, ZHENG Yan, ZHANG Bin, CHANG Qin-hui. ASSESSMENT OF GEOLOGICAL DISASTER SUSCEPTIBILITY BASED ON SVM-RF MODEL: A Case Study of Qingtian River Scenic Area in Boai County, Henan Province[J]. Geology and Resources, 2023, 32(5): 633-641. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.05.014
    Citation: RU Man, ZHENG Yan, ZHANG Bin, CHANG Qin-hui. ASSESSMENT OF GEOLOGICAL DISASTER SUSCEPTIBILITY BASED ON SVM-RF MODEL: A Case Study of Qingtian River Scenic Area in Boai County, Henan Province[J]. Geology and Resources, 2023, 32(5): 633-641. DOI: 10.13686/j.cnki.dzyzy.2023.05.014


    ASSESSMENT OF GEOLOGICAL DISASTER SUSCEPTIBILITY BASED ON SVM-RF MODEL: A Case Study of Qingtian River Scenic Area in Boai County, Henan Province

    • 摘要: 青天河景区位于焦作市博爱县境内, 景区内景观由于自然条件和人类修建工程活动的双重因素影响易形成致灾体.2021年夏季出现了"7·20""9·30"极端天气, 导致景区内地质灾害频发.区内灾害点整体规模虽不大, 但其隐蔽性与突发性的特点会给景区人员及设施带来较大影响与破坏, 故对景区地质灾害易发性评价的研究具有重要意义.依托暴雨前后两期遥感影像比对和野外调查验证, 及时获取暴雨后地灾点数据, 通过基于多种核函数的支持向量机(SVM)机器学习模型搭建随机森林(RF)模型, 建立地质灾害易发性评价模型.在综合考虑研究区域背景条件下, 从自然条件和人类活动条件下选取7类特征因子并经过处理作为模型训练输入值, 分别以linear、poly、rbf、sigmoid四种SVM核函数进行模型训练, 共生成了40个SVM模型.通过选取4种不同的模型参数种子, 得到4个RF模型.最后把两种预测的模型结果进行加权融合得到最终模型预测概率, 在GIS中输出预测结果并进行分区, 这样既保证模型稳定性, 又避免过拟合的情况.分区结果与本研究地灾点分布规律较为一致, 能较好地刻画模拟研究区地灾易发性规律, 填补青天河景区地灾易发性细化研究, 为青天河景区科学防灾提供有价值的依据.


      Abstract: Located in Boai County of Jiaozuo City, the Qingtian River Scenic Area is prone to disaster due to the dual factors of natural conditions and human construction activities. In the summer of 2021, extreme weather occurred on July 20 and September 30, resulting in frequent geological disasters in the scenic area. Although the sizes of disaster sites are not big enough, hidden and sudden disasters can cause great damage to the personnel and facilities in the area, therefore the study on the assessment of geological disaster vulnerability is of great significance. Based on the comparison between two-period remote sensing image data and field survey verification before and after the storm, and timely acquisition of the disaster site data after the storm, the geological disaster susceptibility evaluation model is established through the construction of random forest (RF) model by the support vector machine (SVM) learning model based on multiple kernel functions. Based on the comprehensive consideration of regional background of the area, seven eigenfactors are selected from natural and human activity conditions and processed as input values for model training, and four SVM kernel functions including linear, poly, rbf and sigmoid are used respectively for model training to generate 40 SVM models. Four RF models are obtained by selecting four different model parameter seeds. Finally, the weighted fusion of two predicted model results is made to get the prediction probability of final model, and the prediction results are output and partitioned in GIS, so as to ensure the stability of the model and avoid overfitting. The zoning results are consistent with the distribution rule of disaster sites in the area, which can simulate the regularity of disaster susceptibility well, fill in the detailed study of disaster susceptibility, and provide valuable basis for scientific prevention of disaster in Qingtian River Scenic Area.


