张哲寰, 赵君, 戴慧敏, 贺鹏飞, 魏明辉. 黑龙江省讷河市土壤-作物系统Se元素地球化学特征[J]. 地质与资源, 2020, 29(1): 38-43.
    引用本文: 张哲寰, 赵君, 戴慧敏, 贺鹏飞, 魏明辉. 黑龙江省讷河市土壤-作物系统Se元素地球化学特征[J]. 地质与资源, 2020, 29(1): 38-43.
    ZHANG Zhe-huan, ZHAO Jun, DAI Hui-min, HE Peng-fei, WEI Ming-hui. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SELENIUM IN SOIL-CROP SYSTEM OF NEHE CITY, HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE[J]. Geology and Resources, 2020, 29(1): 38-43.
    Citation: ZHANG Zhe-huan, ZHAO Jun, DAI Hui-min, HE Peng-fei, WEI Ming-hui. GEOCHEMISTRY OF SELENIUM IN SOIL-CROP SYSTEM OF NEHE CITY, HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE[J]. Geology and Resources, 2020, 29(1): 38-43.



    • 摘要: 根据东北黑土地1:25万土地质量地球化学调查资料,采集黑龙江省讷河市表层土壤(0~20 cm)样品1627组,深层(150~200 cm)样品415组.对不同类型土壤微量元素Se的全量、有效态含量、农作物籽实Se含量,以及Se在剖面中的分布特征进行了分析研究.结果显示:1)表层土壤Se元素含量平均为0.239×10-6,低于全国和世界土壤平均值,高于黑龙江省和东北平原平均值,表层土壤Se含量以足硒为主要特征,足硒土地面积达84.21%;2)不同类型土壤硒含量有一定差异,黑土、黑钙土、草甸土Se含量高于暗棕壤、沼泽土和新积土;3)不同土地利用类型Se含量表现为交通用地、建设用地和耕地Se含量高于林地、草地和水利用地,反映出与人类活动强度关系密切;4)在土壤剖面中Se含量随深度增加呈现降低的趋势,表层土壤Se含量最高;5)玉米、大豆、水稻主要农作物籽实Se元素平均含量0.035×10-6,呈低Se特征,可依靠农业科技开发富硒产品,提高粮食质量.


      Abstract: According to the 1:250 000 scale land quality geochemical survey data of black soil in Northeast China, 1627 groups of surface soil (0-20 cm) samples and 415 groups of deep soil (150-200 cm) samples are collected from Nehe City of Heilongjiang Province to study the Se total content, available content in different types of soil, Se content in crop seeds and distribution characteristics in soil profiles. The results are shown as follows:1) The average Se content in topsoil is 0.239×10-6, which is lower than that of China and world, and higher than that of Heilongjiang Province and Northeast China Plain. It is characterized by Se sufficiency, and the Se-sufficient land area reaches 84.21%. 2) The Se contents vary in different types of soil. The Se contents in black soil, chernozem and meadow soil are higher than those in dark brown soil, bog soil and alluvial soil. 3) In terms of land use types, the Se contents in traffic land, construction land and cultivated land are higher than those in forest, grassland and water conservancy land, reflecting its close relation with human activity intensity. 4) The Se content in soil profiles decreases with the increase of depth, and that in topsoil is the highest. 5) The average Se content in main crop seeds of corn, soybean and rice is 0.035×10-6, characterized by low Se. The agricultural technology can be applied to develop Se-rich products and improve grain quality.


