Based on the statistical analysis of oil-gas production, consumption and import data in China from 2000 to 2018, the future trend of oil-gas exploration is predicted through the study and summary of current demand and exploration and development characteristics. It is believed that China's oil and gas resources will be in short supply for a long time in the future. The paper analyzes the value of natural eco-products and the impact from oil-gas exploration, suggesting the government should implement and strengthen the ecomanagement and planning for oil-gas industry by improving laws and stimulative environmental economy policy to cultivate ecoproduct market, implementing fine management on oil-gas industry for different levels, and establishing national energy and eco-technology laboratory. With demonstration projects of ecoproducts in oil-gas zone by ecologically sensitive area planning, to constantly enhance the value of natural ecoproducts. The ecoproduct management mechanism should be operated for oil-gas industry to fundamentally realize the value of natural ecoproducts.