吴桐, 李永飞, 张涛, 孙求实, 孙守亮, 宗文明, 郜晓勇. 辽西地区北票组烃源岩生物标志化合物特征的差异性[J]. 地质与资源, 2018, 27(4): 371-376.
    引用本文: 吴桐, 李永飞, 张涛, 孙求实, 孙守亮, 宗文明, 郜晓勇. 辽西地区北票组烃源岩生物标志化合物特征的差异性[J]. 地质与资源, 2018, 27(4): 371-376.
    WU Tong, LI Yong-fei, ZHANG Tao, SUN Qiu-shi, SUN Shou-liang, ZONG Wen-ming, GAO Xiao-yong. CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENCES OF BIOMARKER IN SOURCE ROCKS FROM BEIPIAO FORMATION IN WESTERN LIAONING PROVINCE[J]. Geology and Resources, 2018, 27(4): 371-376.
    Citation: WU Tong, LI Yong-fei, ZHANG Tao, SUN Qiu-shi, SUN Shou-liang, ZONG Wen-ming, GAO Xiao-yong. CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENCES OF BIOMARKER IN SOURCE ROCKS FROM BEIPIAO FORMATION IN WESTERN LIAONING PROVINCE[J]. Geology and Resources, 2018, 27(4): 371-376.



    • 摘要: 北票组是辽西地区重要的一套煤系地层,被认为是该区油气勘探的重要目的层.坤头营子剖面和卧龙剖面是该区较为有代表性的北票组地层剖面,对于研究北票组的沉积环境、有机质来源等具有重要意义.采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)等技术对2个剖面的烃源岩样品进行了分析测试,结果显示两组样品表现出不同的地球化学特征.坤头营子剖面的烃源岩样品抽提物正构烷烃的质量色谱图均为单峰态,主峰碳数以C19为主,姥鲛烷/植烷比值(Pr/Ph)在3.0~4.0之间;甾烷系列中以C29甾烷为优势,C23三环萜烷含量相对较低,伽马蜡烷指数低(平均0.08).取自卧龙剖面的样品质量色谱图大部分呈现双峰态,Pr/Ph值低;甾烷系列中C27占优势,萜烷系列中C23三环萜烷含量高,具有较高的伽马蜡烷含量(平均0.23),且各项生标成熟度参数均已达到异构平衡化阶段.结合样品的全岩分析显微组分分析结果,认为两者主要差异可能是剖面附近的侵入岩造成,北票组烃源岩有机质具有陆源高等植物和低等水生生物双重来源,以陆源高等植物为主.


      Abstract: The Beipiao Formation, an important series of coal measure in western Liaoning Province, is considered as a key target for oil-gas exploration, within which two typical sections namely Kuntouyingzi and Wolong are of great significance to study the sedimentary environment and organic matter sources. With analytical tests on the source rock samples from both sections by GC-MS technique, the results indicate that two groups of samples show different geochemical characteristics as follows. The samples from Kuntouyingzi section show unimodal patterns in the n-alkane distribution with dominant peak of C19 and Pr/Ph of 3.0-4.0. Regular steranes are dominated by C29-sterane, indicating higher plants. The terpene is characterized by low content of C23 tricyclic terpene and tetracyclic terpene with low gammacerane value (averagely 0.08). For the samples from Wolong section, the n-alkane is distributed in bimodal pattern with C18 as dominant peak and low Pr/Ph ratio (less than 0.4). The regular steranes are dominated by C27-steranes. The terpenes feature high content of C23 tricyclic terpene with a relatively high gammacerane value (averagely 0.23), and all the maturity parameters have reached the heterogeneous equilibrium stage. Combined with the whole rock maceral analysis results, it is thought that the main differences between the two may be caused by igneous intrusions near the sections. The organic matters are mainly derived from terrigenous higher plants plus a few lower aquatic organisms such as algae and bacteria.


