The Dagongshan gold deposit, tectonically located at the eastern part of Bangbu anticlinorium of NBC, is held between the two secondary faults, Zhuding-Shimenshan fault and Wuhe-Hongxingpu fault, of the famous Tan-Lu fault zone.There outcrop the metamorphic rocks of Neoarchean Xigudui formation, forming the core of the Bangbu anticlinorium.There developed NNE-trending, S-N-trending, NWW-trending and NE-trending faults in the ore district.The S-N-trending faults macroscopically control over the attitude, size and type of gold ore-bodies.There occurs two types gold ore bodies.One is quartz vein type controlled by the S-N-trending faults dipping to west with low-middle angle.The other is tectono-alterated rock type controlled by S-N-trending faults with mid-high angle dipping to east.The ore-forming of the two types of gold deposits are related to the evolution of the S-N-trending faults and magmatic activity.It is identical with the result of chronological study on the gold deposits in the area.