王进, 赵国敏, 王亚会, 陶裕录, 张炼. 电磁波层析成像技术在金矿探测中的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 1996, 5(1): 69-76.
    引用本文: 王进, 赵国敏, 王亚会, 陶裕录, 张炼. 电磁波层析成像技术在金矿探测中的应用[J]. 地质与资源, 1996, 5(1): 69-76.
    Wang Jin, Zhao Guomin, Wang Yahui, Tao Yulu, Zhang Lian. APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE TOMOGRAPHY IN THE PROBING OF GOLD MINE[J]. Geology and Resources, 1996, 5(1): 69-76.
    Citation: Wang Jin, Zhao Guomin, Wang Yahui, Tao Yulu, Zhang Lian. APPLICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE TOMOGRAPHY IN THE PROBING OF GOLD MINE[J]. Geology and Resources, 1996, 5(1): 69-76.



    • 摘要: 随着地层学层析成像技术的出现,使钻孔电磁波法增加了新的内容.电磁波同声波、地震波一样,也作为一种透射波引用到层析成像技术中,本文探讨了将电磁波井间层析成像技术用于探查石英脉金矿床.层析图像清晰地揭示了被测巷道间的岩性分层结构和石英脉的展布.表明电磁波层折成像探测可以应用于石英脉型金矿.


      Abstract: Electromagnetic well-logging with high frequency is a traditonal probing means. The drilling electromagnetic wave methods have added some new contents with the appearence of geotomography. The application of geotomography technology in the probing of quartz vein gold mine is discussed in this paper.
      In the Scanning medium, because of the differences of some electromagnetic parameters (Such as dielectric constant, resistility, absorbing coeficient etc.), the obvious borders are-formed on the image of geotomography. Geotomography theoretically use the different absorbing coeficients of high frequenty electromagnetic waves in different medium, then calcu-late out the distribution of medium absorbing coeficients and Obtained the fine structure of underground medium. On the Computer screen, the image are the two-dimensions images of the electromagnetic wave absorbing coeficents distribution in the medium of observing plain.This test shows that geotomography not only can reflect gold ore veins and their wall rocks, but also even in the same medium of different system,so long as the design is reasonable, the much better effect can be obtained.
      In this test, we have obtained some experience of using geotomography in tunnels and also laid a foundation for working in quartz rock veintype of gold mine in the future. New probing technology can reduce the work load of drilling and excavation. Geotomography technology provids us a new way for the probing of gold mine.


