王海平, 胡云中. 老王寨金矿地面波谱的TM相关研究[J]. 地质与资源, 1996, 5(3): 187-194.
    引用本文: 王海平, 胡云中. 老王寨金矿地面波谱的TM相关研究[J]. 地质与资源, 1996, 5(3): 187-194.
    Wang Haiping, Hu Yunzhong. CORRELATION STUDY OF TM WITH GROUND SPECTRA OF LAOWANGZHAI GOLD DEPOSIT[J]. Geology and Resources, 1996, 5(3): 187-194.
    Citation: Wang Haiping, Hu Yunzhong. CORRELATION STUDY OF TM WITH GROUND SPECTRA OF LAOWANGZHAI GOLD DEPOSIT[J]. Geology and Resources, 1996, 5(3): 187-194.



    • 摘要: 老王寨金矿是我国80年代新发现的特大型金矿田。基于岩矿波谱反射率与TM图像亮度线性相关关系,文章用金矿田内典型金矿床地面波谱的实例数据,经回归分析,建立了典型金矿床地面波谱反射率与矿田内TM图像最佳波段的相关模型,据相关模型将TM图像反演成与典型金矿床有关的地空相关图像。老王寨金矿田的TM相关研究表明,在金成矿远景区预测、最佳靶区筛选的应用方面,彩色编码合成的彩色相关图像优于单波段的相关图像。


      Abstract: It is held that the alteration rocks brought about with the gold minerogenesis, soil and vegetation which covers gold deposits engender special ground spectra. The special ground spectra must be displayed in TM image,therefore the ground spectrum data of gold deposits are related to the brightness of TM image. By means of the regression analysis,the authors have proved that the relation between the TM image brigtness and the ground spectrum reflectivity of gold deposits is the linear correlation.
      Basing on the ground spectrum study of gold deposits in Laowangzhai ore field located in the west of Yunnm Province,the authors have used the regression analysis and established nine ground-space correlation models of the image processing area. On the basis of nine ground-space models, with an image computer system (I2S/101) the TM image of image processing area has been transformed into ground-space correlation image which is related to the ground spectrum reflectivity of gold deposits in Laowangzhai area.
      The present paper deals with the application effects of the ground-space correlation image for the prognosis of gold deposits in Laowangzhai area. After the analysis of the ground-space correlation image, the authors have distinguished and detected some image anomalies from the image,in one of the image anomalies an auriferous quartz vein has been discovered in the field check by the authors. In view of the above,the paper presents that the ground-space correlation image related to the ground spectrum data of gold deposits has the special ascendance for detecting gold mineralization position and metallogenic prognosis.


