The stccdy of characterestic of country rock alteration, fluid inclusion and Hydro-Oxygen isotope composition in Dongping gold deposit indicatcd ore-formnig fluid rich in K
+, Na
+, Au
+, Cl
-, CO
2 amd H
2S, ore-forming fluid prlncipally is magmatic origin, mixed atmospheric water. Gold exist in the form of Au (HS)
2- and AuCl
2- in the one-forming fluid and precipitate due to decline of fluid pressure abruptly and reaction between fluid and country rocks. Type of wall-rock alteration is prlncipally potassium feldsparization, silicification, pyritization and carbonization correlation analysiy showed positive correlation between gold and Na/Al and S/Fe velue and nagaotive between Au and K/Al value. Corresponding of maximum of K/Al and minmum of Na/Al may use as a indcx of delineation one-body.