Structural characteristics of the Tanjianshan goldfield are first studied in this paper.There are simultaneity faults in NE when the Wandonggou group is sedimented.The Wandonggou group is folded during the late Proterozoic era. Ductile shear zones with brittle faults in NE and in NW can be found in the goldfield;Therefore, the wandonggou group is not monocline, The formation and abundance of gold ore is closely related with tectonic evolution in this area. This kind of deposit can be named the syntectonic multiple genetic gold deposit in the black rock formation or Tanjianshan-type gold deposit.Minerogenic favourable places for prospecting are situated at where the simultaneity faults are superim-posed ductile-brittle shear zones in different diretction or the diorite porphyrite and lampro-phyre dikes are sheared whte they are ductile-britlle.