Citation: | ZHAO Li-xing, FAN Wen, CHAI Xiao-qing, LI Pei, NAN Ya-lin. STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT REGULARITY OF GEOHAZARDS IN QINLING-DABA MOUNTAINS: A Case Study of Zhenba County, Shaanxi Province[J]. Geology and Resources, 2020, 29(2): 187-195. |
Taking Zhenba County as an example, the correlation between slope geohazard distribution and landform, gradient, aspect, structure type, water system and road are analyzed through field geohazard survey, UAV aerial photography and indoor remote sensing interpretation. The conclusions are shown as follows:1) The development of slope hazards is closely related to landform, with slope hazards in low and middle mountains accounting for 96.97% of the total disasters. 2) Slope hazards are mainly distributed in gradient of 20-40°, accounting for 75.76% of the total. 3) Of slope hazards, 41% are distributed on the east and west slopes. 4) Bedding slope is the most prone to geohazards, accounting for 33% of the total. 5) Rivers have a strong control on geohazards, with 45.45% of the geohazards occurred within 200 m from the river. 6) Slope hazards in the study area are significantly correlated with human engineering activities, especially road construction. The slope hazards developed within 50 m on both sides of roads account for 55.56% of the total. Moreover, combined with the development regularity of geohazards and characteristics of remote sensing images in the study area, a set of slope disaster identification methods applicable to Qinling-Daba Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province are summarized, which provides technical support for disaster prevention, mitigation and identification.
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